Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ped's 40th birthday

Ped's parents are in Laos this Christmas visiting the village of Ped's birth, so we did not have a gathering at True Thai this year.

Christmas day would have been Ped's 40th birthday, and I thought about him a lot. I know Ped's mother was thinking of him, and how she gave birth to him as bombs were being dropped on their village, and how she carried him across the Mekong River when he was only a few days old.

People still stop every night to look at Ped's shrine and to read about him. I still celebrate his life and mourn his passing.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas orchids from Amy Senser

Closed for the Holidays!

True Thai Restaurant will be closed all day Monday, Christmas Eve, December 24th, and Tuesday, Christmas Day, December 25th, so our employees can be with their families.

We will reopen at 11 a.m., Wednesday morning, December 26th.

True Thai Restaurant will be open December 31st, New Year's Eve, and closed January 1st,  New Year's Day.

Please accept our wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!